by Eleni Petrakou
During this Chinese New Year celebrations, this columnist was very surprised to realize that what dragons were is not really common knowledge.
Are you one of those people who don’t know? I’m glad you are here. Already know? A refresher is always pleasant on this particular topic.
Thinking of it, I was probably spoiled. I happened to get exposed to the answer before I thought of the actual question; all by reading Carl Sagan’s stunning “The Dragons of Eden” at a young age.
But, notwithstanding, I mean, what could dragons be other than dinosaurs.
For millennia, unrelated civilizations around the globe have been painting dragons at every chance they get. Ever since we found out about dinosaurs we’ve been doing the same with them. Kids are enamored. Toys, cartoons, grown-up science articles abound. It’s impossible to go a single day without a dinosaur, in some artistic form or other, entering our field of vision. Today I saw three. Plus two dragon tattoos.
The obvious physical similarity between the two creatures probably renders any further arguments redundant. (But it’s interesting to add that one ingredient in traditional chinese medicine used to be dragon bones; and it was powdered dinosaur fossils.) The question is not “whether” but “how on earth”. How was it possible for humankind to retain the image of creatures separated from it by tens of millions years?
Although I don’t know the answer, “The Dragons of Eden” looked at a few more hints of this peculiar survival in our species’ collective memory bank. They mostly have to do with snakes, the “evil lizards’” direct descendants. Read more »