Monday Poem

Compost wonderstuff of summer declination that’ll grow my beets and beans and other rations browner than the mere idea “earth”, archetypical as sacrifice, more wonderful than virgin birth more promising than the phantom wealth of nations more essential than human beings of highest stations shoveling this wonderstuff into my wagon sifting it through hardware cloth, screening stems &…

Monday Poem

Standing Under Without Understanding Horizon’s circle, beyond which you can see no further in any direction other than up, hems us in, but looking up you can see forever, or as far as lightspeed allows, or until more time passes or, more accurately, until it shifts again, now. But by then, you yourself may have passed, whatever that…

Monday Poem

Homes we all leave home eventually, leave the dark comfort of wombs, leave the home of childhood, some earlier than others depending upon the warmth or not of particular hearths. inevitably some step out and abandon silver spoons like Siddhartha who was not comforted by comfort, while some break from huts of sheer neglect. eventually,…

Monday Poem

“Parrots, songbirds and hummingbirds all learn new vocalizations. The calls and songs of some species in these groups appear to have even more in common with human language, such as conveying information intentionally and using simple forms of some of the elements of human language such as phonology, semantics and syntax. And the similarities run…

Monday Poem

“The past is inevitable”  —Delmore Schwartz, Poet I’d Never Thought of it Like That           though it’s likely to come, tomorrow’s not set, …….. this day’s loose ends twist in the wind ………like kite tails in blue jerked at the end of present’s string, ………they’re codas no one can sing— ………the future’s…