Poem by Jim Cullleny

Sublime I sometimes shudder at old pics, their bittersweetness, their cutting edge, their tricks: ….. daughter’s brilliant smiles, ….. mittens hung from cuffs, ….. Kodachrome taunts of time ….. —enough I’d rather mine old stones, turn up what’s scattered within my heart and head ….. —the gold I’d rather stick with what’s been deeply sown,…

Poem by Jim Culleny

“lacrimae rerum, “ (the tears of things) …………………………………….. —Virgil Everything Cries Steel’s tears are rust, trees weep tears of falling leaves, clouds weep and mourn their loss sacrificing their billows to the earth as rain, the earth weeps its carbon into sky, the sun weeps its energy into earth and will die someday of the loss,…

A Poem by Jim Culleny

“This is conclusive, and if men are capable of any truth, this is it.” …………………………………………………. —Blaise Pascal, on his wager  Blaise’s Place Blaise’s place is on a sunset strip paved razor-straight through desert air many cul de sacs veer from its hot black path squeezed in a pass between mountains there, west, where the day goes down…