by Akim Reinhardt
Some people use religion to get their life together. Good for them. I’m all for it. Although I myself am an atheist, I don’t think it much matters how someone gets their life together so long as they do.
Then again, many religious people don’t use religion to get their lives together. Rather, so far as I can tell, many of them use it to avoid getting their lives together.
That’s not to pick on the religious. Most people don’t have their shit together (I’m not sure I do). And most of them don’t try, or genuinely try to get it together. Either they do not even know they don’t have their shit together, or they do know but their efforts to get it together are illusive or half-assed in some way.
When people don’t try to get their shit together, or they make a show of trying without really trying, they often offer up lies and excuses that justify not having their shit together. They cling to false narratives about how they really do have their shit together when they actually don’t.
Oh yeah, I have my shit together, just look at this . . .
or, Yeah, I’ve struggled, but I’m well on my way now, see? . . .
Sometimes, if they’re financially successful, they’ll hide behind their money. If they’re married and raising kids, they might trot out their family. And some will confidently point to their religious faith and affiliation.
I’m not rich, I don’t have any kids, and I have absolute faith in nothing but my own mortality. Maybe that allows me to better recognize that I don’t have my shit together, and realize that I probably never will. And perhaps it allows me to better see other people’s shit even when they try to paper it over with money, family, or God. Or maybe I’m just a cynical bastard. Either way, I have some capacity to see through you and me. And I’ve lost my patience for moral posturing. Read more »