The Barbarians Won

by Akim Reinhardt

File:SLNSW 37140 Three men in suits with waistcoats.jpg - Wikimedia CommonsThe barbarians have won.

The barbarians and their arrogance have won, their shouted assertions offered up as commandments. No one can be right who disagrees with them.

The barbarians and their death cult have won, their zombie god lording over us. The spirits of trees and animals and waters and sky and mountains have been driven mute.

The barbarians and their lust for shiny trinkets have won, their new world a wasteland of flashy baubles. The stars are washed out above us.

The barbarians and their genocidal urges have won, their swords encrusted with dry blood. Nations uncounted decimated to tenths, or even zero.

The barbarians and their bar-bar talk have won, countless languages stricken from the mouths and ears. We can only think this way.

The barbarians and their bloody vengeance have won, howling in the name of justice. Transgressors thrown into iron cages, we are forever paying fines.

The barbarians and their greed have won, their eyes glow green. A cast of paupers define their wretched wealth.

The barbarians and their selfishness have won, their rights dictating how we must exist. Societies fragmented and families, like split atoms, reduced to sub-nuclear components. Read more »