Americans are Unbecoming

by Akim Reinhardt To study American history is to chart the paradox of e pluribus unum. From the outset, it is a story of conflict and compromise, of disparate and increasingly antagonistic regions that somehow formed the wealthiest and most powerful empire in human history. For even as North and South grew further apart, their…

An American Creation Story

by Akim Reinhardt There is scientific evidence indicating that Asiatic peoples migrated from Siberia to America many millennia ago via a land bridge that was submerged by the Bering Sea after the Ice Age ended, or by island hopping the Pacific cordillera in coastal water craft. But when I teach American Indian history, I don’t…

Conventional Wisdom

by Akim Reinhardt As the Republican Party begins its national convention today in Florida, I offer this brief history of political conventions and examine their relevance to modern American politics. The generation of political leaders who initiated and executed the American Revolution and founded a new nation, believed in the concept of republican virtue. That…

America’s Move to the Right

by Akim Reinhardt Last week, U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts stunned much of America. Normally associated with the court’s Conservative bloc, he jumped ship and cast the deciding vote in the 5-4 case of Florida v. Department of Health. His support allow the court to uphold the constitutionality of the individual mandate portion…

Found In Translation

Akim Reinhardt I have taken several famous political passages from American History and run them repeatedly through Google Translator. I present them here in verse form. An explanation follows, but first, please enjoy these poems. Join the Team (The Declaration of Independence: Opening)He joined the team and they have a separate equal station to understand…

The Birth, Decline, and Re-Emergence of the Solid South: A Short History

by Akim Reinhardt Since the Civil War, the American South has mostly been a one-party region. However, by the turn of the 21st century, its political affiliation had actually swung from the Democrats to the Republicans. Here’s how it happened. It is not an oversimplification to say that slavery was the single most important issue…

Occupy and History: Are We Near the End and What Will it Mean?

by Akim Reinhardt We may now be gazing upon the fading days of the Occupy movement as an actual episode in which numerous, large scale occupations are taking place and having immediate impact. Then again, maybe not. But if so, it is perhaps time to begin reflecting upon the movement and how we might measure…

The Occupy Movement and the Nature of Community

by Akim Reinhardt I’m currently at work on a book about the decline of community in America. I won’t go into much detail here, but the basic premise is that, barring a few possible exceptions, there are no longer any actual communities in the United States. At least, not the kinds that humans have lived…

The Three Categories of Television Food Show

by Akim Reinhardt Over the last twenty years or so, there has been a proliferation of food shows on television, both here in the U.S. and abroad. In America, The Food Network has been dedicated to that format sincethe 1990s, and a host of other channels also dabble in the genre. It’s not going out…