Are contemporary Language Models helping destroy the planet? And whatever happened to neuromorphic models in AI?

by David J. Lobina A specter is haunting Artificial Intelligence (AI) – the specter of the environmental costs of Machine/Deep Learning. As Neural Networks have by now become ubiquitous in modern AI applications, the gains the industry has seen in applying Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) to solve ever more complex problems come at a high…

All you fascists are bound to lose! Of eternal concepts and upcoming elections: Fascism Series #5, Potentialities Series #2

by David J. Lobina Firstly: fascism is dead and it is not coming back. By fascism it is meant the historical fascism of the 1920-40s, in particular the primus inter (more-or-less) pares fascism of 1920s Italy – id est, Fascism – and to a lesser extent that of Nazi Germany, notwithstanding the fact that Nazism…

Disrupting the Comprehension of Large Language Models: Adversarial Attacks

by David J. Lobina In previous posts on AI [sic], I have argued that contemporary machine learning models, the dominant approach in AI these days, are not sentient or sapient (there is no intelligence on display, only input-output correlations), do not exhibit any of the main features of human cognition (in particular, no systematicity), and…

National Interests, the Study of Nationalism, and Wannabe Fascists (Rudolf Rocker Series # 4, Fascism Series # 3)

by David J. Lobina Like the study of any other complex idea, the analysis of nationalism requires building up boundaries between different phenomena, drawing various theoretical distinctions, and recognising the inevitable splits that arise within what may look like a whole ideology at first. It is by teasing out the building blocks of nationalism that…

The Folly Of Seeing Agency in Contemporary Artificial Intelligence: Machine Learning (for that is what it is all about) as Pattern Finding Algorithms (Part 2 of 2)

by David J. Lobina Well, first post of the year, and a new-year-resolution unkept. Unsurprising, really. In my last entry of 2023, I drew attention to the various series of posts I have written at 3 Quarks Daily since 2021, many of which did not proceed in order, creating a bit of confusion along the…

On Tying Loose Ends, and a New Year’s Resolution: Unfinished 3QD Entries on Language, AI [sic], and Current Affairs

by David J. Lobina Having written for 3 Quarks Daily since July 2021, with the first entry coming out around the time of my birthday (two anniversaries to celebrate in July since then for me!), it has recently dawned on me that I have tended to write long “series” of articles here at 3QD Tower…

What is Thought that a Large Language Model Ought to Exhibit (But Won’t)?

by David J. Lobina Artificial General Intelligence, however this concept is to be defined exactly, is upon us, say two prominent AI experts. Not exactly an original statement, as this sort of claim has come up multiple times in the last year or so, often followed by various qualifications and the inevitable dismissals (Gary Marcus…

The Dilemma of the International Volunteer (in two parts): Permaculturing in Palestine

by David J. Lobina In an article on anarchist thought and action, Noam Chomsky draws a crucial but often neglected distinction for politically-inclined activists: that between visions, the ‘conception of a future society’ one might aspire to, and goals, the actual ‘choices and tasks that are within reach’, the latter ideally guided by one’s vision.[i]…