Tara* Kaushal is a Mumbai, India-based writer who comments on gender, sexuality, equal rights and socio-cultural issues, alongside interviewing inspiring people. She opines in a weekly column for iDiva; contributes regularly to the Sunday Guardian, Harper's Bazaar, Women's Health, to name a few; and has won the Laadli Media Award for gender-sensitive writing. Having topped her BA Honours in English with a specialisation in feminism from JMC, New Delhi, she completed her Masters in English from Mumbai University with a focus on gender and post-colonial lit. She uses the skills she honed as the former Editor of BBC GoodHomes in her alternate careers as an art director and a media consultant. Tara* lives and works out of a happy open home with four dogs, two cats (all rescues) and her photographer husband. She waxes eloquent on Facebook.com/Kaushal.Tara and would love to start a conversation. Email: tara@tarakaushal.com