Jack Dunitz (1923-2021): Chemist and writer extraordinaire

by Ashutosh Jogalekar

Jack Dunitz during a student outing at Caltech in 1948 (Image credit: OSU Special Collections)

Every once in a while there is a person of consummate achievement in a field, a person who while widely known to workers in that field is virtually unknown outside it and whose achievements should be known much better. One such person in the field of chemistry was Jack Dunitz. Over his long life of 98 years Dunitz inspired chemists across varied branches of chemistry. Many of his papers inspired me when I was in college and graduate school, and if the mark of a good scientific paper is that you find yourself regularly quoting it without even realizing it, then Dunitz’s papers have few rivals.

Two rare qualities in particular made Dunitz stand out: simple thinking that extended across chemistry, and clarity of prose. He was the master of the semi-quantitative argument. Most scientists, especially in this day and age, are specialists who rarely venture outside their narrow areas of expertise. And it is even rarer to find scientists – in any field – who wrote with the clarity that Dunitz did. When he was later asked in an interview what led to his fondness for exceptionally clear prose, his answer was simple: “I was always interested in literature, and therefore in clear expression.” Which is as good a case for coupling scientific with literary training as I can think of.

Dunitz who was born in Glasgow and got his PhD there in 1947 had both the talent and the good fortune to have been trained by three of the best chemists and crystallographers of the 20th century: Linus Pauling, Dorothy Hodgkin and Leopold Ruzicka, all Nobel Laureates. In my personal opinion Dunitz himself could have easily qualified for a kind of lifetime achievement Nobel himself. While being a generalist, Dunitz’s speciality was the science and art of x-ray crystallography, and few could match his acumen in the application of this tool to structural chemistry. Read more »

Monday, February 25, 2019

What makes chemistry different?

by Ashutosh Jogalekar

A well known physicist turned venture capitalist asked on Twitter the other day why people seem to have a harder time understanding chemistry rather than physics or biology. Chemistry is by no means harder to understand than physics or biology, but it occupies a tricky middle ground between rigor and intuition, between deduction and creation, between creativity and understanding. Understanding it can bring great dividends: Robert Oppenheimer once said that “If you want to get someone interested in science teach them a course on elementary chemistry…unlike physics it gets very quickly to the heart of things.”

Chemistry’s path was partly driven by an impulse to understand the physical world, much like the path of physics and astronomy, but somewhat differently from physics and astronomy, to consciously improve the material conditions of life. What passed for medicine, art, architecture, agriculture and commerce in the ancient world was suffused with chemistry. Whether it was indigo dye for royal textiles, mercury or arsenic for medicine, lime for protecting crops or plaster for holding together stones of medieval stone buildings, the world looked to chemistry, whether consciously or not, to feed, transport, clothe and sustain itself. But this foundational practical role that chemistry played also obscured its philosophy.

The philosophy of chemistry developed in the 18th and 19th centuries through the work of Dalton, Lavoisier, Liebig, Kekule, Mendeleev and other thinkers. They systematized the vast body of observations that natural philosophers had documented and assimilated over the years. But key questions still remained: Why did water freeze at 4 degrees Celsius? Why were gallium and mercury liquids? Why was lithium relatively stable while its cousin sodium a fiery, unstable beast? Even Mendeleev’s famed periodic table, after answering the how, did not answer the why. Read more »

Monday, August 8, 2016

Better Things for Better Living Through Chemistry: Seven Better Products We Didn’t Need But Now Can’t Live Without

by Carol Westbrook

“Our house will never have that old people smell!” my husband said when he discovered Febreze. Yes, it's true! Using highly sophisticated chemistry (described below), Febreze truly eliminates odors, not just mask them with scent like air fresher. This was when I realized that the 1960's promise made by DuPont was being fulfilled, “Better Things for Better Living Through Chemistry!” I've put together seven of my favorite products that chemistry has improved, excluding the obvious true advances in medicine, electronics, energy and so on. Instead, I've highlighted products we probably did not even need, but now can't live without. Who made them, and how do they work? Fig 1 Better things

1. Super Glue ©

Super Glue delivers what its name promises: it can stick almost anything together with a bond so strong that a 1-inch square can hold more than a ton. Besides household projects and repair, it's an effective skin adhesive for cuts, and those nasty dry-skin cracks you get on your hands in the winter. The myth is that Super Glue, or cyanoacrylate (C5H5NO2) was created as surgical adhesive for WWII field hospitals. In reality, it was invented by Goodrich in 1942 as a potential plastic for gunsights; it was rejected because its annoying property of sticking to everything made it impossible to fabricate. Fast forward to 1951, when it was rediscovered by scientists Harry Coover and Fred Joyner at Eastman Kodak, who recognized its potential as a glue. Initially it was used industrially, but in the 1970s it was introduced as a consumer project that rapidly took off.

Cyanoacrylate is a small molecule that binds to itself creating long chains, or polymers, when exposed to water–including water vapor in the air. The polymers are extremely strong acrylic plastics that rapidly bind whatever they contact when polymerizing. Unlike many adhesives, Super Glue cures almost instantly and can stick your fingers together before you can wipe it off. For obvious reasons it is packaged in small, one-use containers.

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