Finding Beauty in Biological Spaces

Shelby Bradford in The Scientist:

Beata Mierzwa studies cell division as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California San Diego. In 2013, she founded Beata Science Art, a science art brand where she produces science illustrations, fashion, and other interactive content to help bring out the beauty in science.

Could you please describe your science journey?

My interest in cell division began when I saw an image of a dividing cell during an undergraduate lab internship. I found it beautiful and was amazed by how much we still don’t know about this process. In graduate school at the Institute of Molecular Biotechnology, I studied the final steps in cytokinesis and the pathways that control the separation of the membranes. Now, in my postdoctoral work, I use CRISPR techniques to identify new genes involved in mitosis and cell division.

More here.

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