Monday Poem

Tiny Megalomaniacs.being goodyou take responsibility for everythingand credit for nothing,otherwise you’re sliding downthe slippery slope at an accelerating clipuntil you’re taking credit for everythingand responsibility for zip just a short slip down that slopeyou’ve already sloughed goodnessmany times like snake skinfor the sake of some small gainsome little leverage, some edge, some inelbowing out some…

Monday Poem

“And in November 2012, Nature published a commentary by financier and environmental philanthropist Jeremy Grantham urging scientists to join this tradition and 'be arrested if necessary', because climate change 'is not only the crisis of your lives – it is also the crisis of our species’ existence' .”.Who'd Ruin That don't say we can't keep…

Monday Poem

Falling . Falling's weightlessness is a troubled oneIt's not like the airtime of up-drafting hawksor homosapient gliders hung on wires undersilk billows out of their elementsnubbing gravity putting on airs,nor like the honking camaraderieof southbound geese chasing solar flares To know that speeding massin collusion with collision brings bereavementin worlds of muscle blood and boneis…

Monday Poem

Getting to Know You.I’m getting to know you who camewith the first Archaeon’s spark Everything was new then, even you, youparenthetical tail of vital events, youold telegraphic protoplasmic stop, youcallous caboose bringing up the rear of trainsof eloquent clauses, fertile words,grunts and final remains, yousmall but lethal punctualtional dot You came on the scene with…

Monday Poem

“Many (ancient) life forms are so hard to categorize that (scientists) call these organisms the ‘Problematica.’” —from: Scatter, Adapt and Remember: How Humans Will Survive a Mass Extinction, by Annalee Newitz Other Problematica.Here we are, never still, casting linesupstream like fly fishers toward sourcesteeming with what came firsthooking what we can, reeling it inholding it…

Monday Poem

Built by Thought all that we are arises with our thoughts,the Dhammapada says, with our thoughts we make the world ………. one, tour the foundation………. scraping down it’s roughness………. with the edge of a hammer head………. dissing the mason who left behind a lumpy job………. who forgot what a trowel is for………. who was halfway…

Monday Poem

That's It I’d mowed and cut and weeded tips of fingers inked with earth I’d heard our cardinal calling I’d heard our engines down the valley groaning coming up, distant, moaning hands between dry stems of garlic moving, like my mother kneeling, devout, but not in church I’d yanked contentious weeds, insisting, grabbing, pulling —this…

Monday Poem

Composting.this wonderstuff of natural declination that'll grow my beets & beans and other rations browner than the mere idea: good earth archetypical as second life and virgin birth more promising than the phantom wealth of nations more essential than human beings of highest stations shoveling this wonderstuff into my wagon sifting it through hardware cloth…

Monday Poem

fireflies.every time a new intersection’s builtaround meit winds up bristling with cameras omniscient light poles sprouta cornucopia of lenses spills out a thousand robot retinasrecording everyday ephemera the little things we do in carswe might not want the world to know about all snagged, digitized and set in a binary log for some bureaucratic loutto…