Sunday Poem


Making friends is a delicate business.
You say, he or she is my best friend,
choosing from a lifetime of acquaintances,
someone you hope you can trust.

Making friends, after all, is more pursuit
than necessity, although friends are good
for social well-being and grace.
Friends show many faces of loyalty and sincerity.

Most pay allegiance first to family ties and deem
a mere “friend” as an intruder, bent on breaking
strong bonds that are sometimes taken for granted,
leaving little room for curiosity and growth.

Growing up, you may have a strong attachment,
but it is not easy to latch onto a lasting pal.
That a man lay down his life for a friend
is still among the great virtues.

But who among us can rise to such a sacrifice?

by George De Gregorio
Zerilda’s Chair
White Chicken Press, 2009

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