Ken Loach: ‘‘We need a left movement united on a few basic principles’’

Niki Smith in New Humanist:

Ken Loach is a film director who has spent his career of more than half a century chronicling the lives of working people in Britain and beyond.

We’re talking the day after the general election. How do you feel about Labour winning power?

When Corbyn stood down, and to ensure he won the Labour leadership, Starmer promised to continue the party’s radical agenda, but he has now broken most of the commitments that he made then. For example, private health companies are set to make even more profit from the NHS. He demonstrated to those with wealth and power that he was no threat to them. And now he’s there [as prime minister]. It emphasises, yet again, the vacuum on the left.

But following the example in France [with the emergency formation of the left-wing New Popular Front alliance, which won the most seats in July’s snap election] there may be a left here in Britain again. We may finally get our act together and at least have a movement, if not a party – a left movement united on a few basic principles.

More here.

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