Melissa Afshar in Newsweek:
With persistent, fast-moving advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) cornering most of us every day, even the most technology-shy have begun to accept that AI now infiltrates nearly every aspect of our lives. However, while AI may be useful for retrieving data and making predictions, using it for the intimate and challenging endeavor that is therapy is one purpose you likely wouldn’t have seen coming. Yet, increasing numbers of people are sharing how they are using ChatGPT and other AI-led bots for “makeshift therapy”—which has also left experts questioning how safe this new practice is.
ChatGPT has 200 million monthly active users worldwide, with 77.2 million people using the OpenAI tool in the U.S. alone. Shannon McNamara, a podcaster and content creator, is one and often uses it as a therapeutic tool. McNamara, who is known as @fluentlyforward online, has enjoyed success after leveraging the power of social media to spearhead her own podcast. Still, like most people, she has bad days too, and has often found herself seeking out the support of her AI bot in times of need.
“I use ChatGPT when I keep ruminating on a problem and can’t seem to find a solution, or even just to understand my own feelings,” McNamara told Newsweek. “I’m shocked by just how incredibly helpful it is.
More here.
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