Saturday Poem

American Myth

I flew out of bradley snow
sick & tired of lawyers      rocked

back over erie’s shivering green
gunk    saw the fat fingered river that cuts

down american belly     coasts of nebraska
chalk dust plains      & jagged white slung

rocky & sierra nevada mountains
this land that rolls
west in one giant gulp      that slides

into frisco at the end of a thumb   I pissed
in kerouac alley      opened my red door

painted nothing black            my limits were
new to me    I watched the dead drug

eyes on telegraph  &  let berkley become
my jingle jangle morning          dropping

back in   the musty church basement in dolores
barrio where a skinny girl with green hair &

pierced eyebrows named dragon asked
me to read the promises

by Jim Bell
Crossing the Bar
Slate Roof Publishing Collective
Northfield, Ma. 2005