Chatting With Joel Meyerowitz

Charlotte Kent and Joel Meyerowitz at The Brooklyn Rail:

Charlotte Kent (Rail): Photography often gets discussed in terms of its stillness, of capturing or freezing a moment. But, in Where I Find Myself (2018) you wrote about watching Robert Frank and discovering photography’s motion: “that was at the heart of what I had seen: movements, the physicality of it, the timing, the positioning. I played third base, I knew about that kind of movement, it was energy in the service of the moment.” Can you describe how photography was about movement and this physicality? And then maybe also, how baseball comes into that?

Joel Meyerowitz: On that first day that I saw Robert Frank working, I stood behind him. Every time the two young girls made a gesture, or had a reaction, as soon as it reached some kind of peak, I heard the click. And I thought, wow, he’s anticipating these sublime moments in the ordinary flow of everyday life, right at that peak of telling that summarizes it all in a gesture. To watch that for a couple of hours was like nothing I had ever seen.

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