….Up ahead, in the twilight, the endless yes
that never can be reached.
…………………………………… “Yessss!”
………………………………………………… And the light.
intensified, calling me . . .
…. It wasn’t from the sea . . . Reaching
the mouths of light that spoke it
infinitely drawn-out,
it vibrates, yet again, immensely faint
in a distance that the soul knows is high
and wants to believe is distant, only distant.
by Juan Ramón Jíménez
from The Poet & The Sea
White Pine Press, 2009
—Original Spanish at Read more
…. Delante, en el ocaso, el si infinito
al que nunca se llega.
…………………………………. Y la luz,
se agudiza, llamándome . . .
…. No era del mar . . . Llegados
a las bocas de luz que lo decían
con largor infinito,
vibra, otra vez, inmensamente débil
en un lejos que el alma sabe alto
y quiere creer lejos, solo lejos. . .