Thursday Poem

E: He should be here.
V: He didn't say for sure he'd come.
E: And if he doesn't come?
V: We'll come back tomorrow.
E: And then the day after tomorrow.
V: Possibly.
E: And so on.
—Waiting for Godot, Samuel Beckett

The Experience

You go down the right turnings
just as it says in the guide,
and it isn't there.

You turn up at the right room
at the right time,
in the right month and moonlight;
and it isn't there.

You discover the right grove,
and you stand about on damp leaves.
And a man on a tractor passes
and thinks you are mad.

You have the paper and the time,
you have the lot,
and nothing comes.

John Fowles
from Poems John Fowles
The Ecco Press, 1973