Sunday Poem

Splitting Wood

Remembering my brother

October seems too swift

mushrooms melt into the soil

and salamanders rise from beneath the earth

like the dead doing a dance

and time itself is a wedge forced into heartwood

splitting decades into neat bundles

……but the cords

stacked with the promise of heat

are never enough

……there’s still that chill

that certain need for another autumn

for days my muscles still ache

with the memory of motion

for days I remember one chunk

splitting into two

falling open like books

like arms of a dead brother

and the perfume of cedar


it’s in this space between two seasons

deftly blended with the flat of a thumb

as languid as a plush cat stretching before

the incessant heat of a woodstove

when sky and land fuse

into the same bottomless gray

the entire world becomes a sponge

and each step squeezes juice

from its pores

when losses splinter off like kindling

when I turn back to kiss this blank page

……of fog

whispering politely.

by Patrick Loafman
from The Poetry Journal; Issue 1, Spring 2008