In God We Doubt

John Crace in The Guardian:

Book As a child I went to church in Wales. Then I stopped. The end. I could never quite square away the compassionate God – the man who had turned me into a household name – with the cruel God – the man who was always punishing me by making me jump on to a band-wagon as everyone else was getting off. First I was well behind Lynne Truss on proper English and now I’m well behind Dawkins and Hitchens on religion.

It was to reconcile these contradictions that I broadcast my now famous series of groundbreaking interviews, God in Search of Humphrys, on Radio 4. Who better to ask for proof of my existence than the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, the chief rabbi, Jonathan Sacks, and the leading Muslim academic, Tariq Ramadan?

I could rewrite these encounters, but that would take too much effort so I’m just going to reprint a transcript.

JH: Does God exist?

RW: Um, er, it’s not that easy.

TR: Yes.

JS: Deffo.

JH: Prove it.

RW: Um, er, it’s not that easy.

TR: I don’t need to.

JS: Neither do I, though the others do.

So the three wise men did not convince me.

More here.