From The Washington Post:
Tom Brokaw’s sprawling new book about the 1960s has a striking cover, and it includes interviews with 50 people, many of them recognizable names from the era, like Joan Baez, Arlo Guthrie, Andrew Young and Gloria Steinem. Combining oral history with the author’s own memories, this 662-page tome touches on nearly all the major events of that extraordinary time. Unfortunately, it tells us nothing new about any of them.
The main leitmotif is that it’s too early for anyone to judge the impact of this remarkable period. Brokaw writes, “The evidence is still coming in and the jury is still out — and forty years later we don’t seem anywhere near being able to render a verdict,” and “for the rest of my days, when my mind wonders back to the Sixties, I will probably think: Boom! what was that all about?”
More here.