If Trump Represents The Worst Of Us, Does That Mean We’re Totally F-ed?

by Evert Cilliers

KKK megaphone 2America voted for Donald Trump. In fact, 53% of America's women voted for a serial pussy-grabber.

And twice as many American working class men voted for a man who habitually stiffed his suppliers than for Hillary.

I actually met someone whose Dad supplied Donald Trump with 200 pianos for his hotels, Trump didn't pay him, and the guy's business went kerflooey.

That's how bad Trump is. You can meet people in your every day life here in Manhattan that he conned and cheated and pussy-grabbed and fucked up their innocent asses.

So the fact that he gave the KKK, the neo-Nazis, and the white supremacists at Charlottesville a bit of a pass by saying there were others there who only wanted to defend the right of Confederate general statues to publicly exist — there were not, ALL those marchers were ONLY well-organized KKK, neo-Nazis and white supremacists — should be no surprise. (Though he was right that there were violence perpetrators among the counter-demonstrators there — the Antifa, whom he ignorantly dubbed the "alt-left".)

We wanted him as our president.

What does that say about us?

Does that say out loud that we are a nation of bigots, sex assaulters, crooked businessmen, fraudsters, and cheaters at golf?



That's what we are.

And does that mean we're totally fucked?

Yes. Absolutely.

Let's run it down.

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Monday, October 17, 2016

Fear Of A Female Planet: If Only Men Voted, Trump Would Win In A Landslide

by Evert Cilliers aka Adam Ash

Trump toastBy now, it is firmly established that the kindest thing you can say about Donald Trump is that he is a sexist, racist, serially lying, up-his-own-ass narcissistic, sexually assaulting, short-fingered douchebag deluxe pussy-grabber.

I say kind, because I have left out the fact that he regularly stiffs his business suppliers into bankruptcy, this being the business model of an actual psychopath (one percent of the general population, 4% of our CEO population).

Yet this totally repulsive human being can count on the votes of a majority of American males to put him in power over our nation.

To the point that, if only men voted, the sexist, racist, serially lying, up-his-own-ass narcissistic, sexually assaulting, short-fingered douchebag deluxe pussy-grabber that is Donald Trump would sweep the November 8 general election for president with 350 votes against a mere 188 for a vanquished Hillary.

The mind boggles in profound boggledom: if it depended on men alone, a sexist, racist, serially lying, up-his-own-ass narcissistic, sexually assaulting, short-fingered douchebag deluxe pussy-grabber would be our next president (thank the Lord, the heavens, the sun, the moon and every star above for the existence of women: though Trump leads by 11 points among men, he loses by 33 points among women).

This numerical damning fix on the horrifying propensity of American men's to stand by a sexist, racist, serially lying, up-his-own-ass narcissistic, sexually assaulting, short-fingered douchebag deluxe pussy-grabber like Trump — winning by 350 votes over 188 — comes to us courtesy of the highly respected FiveThirtyEight site run by the brilliant Nate Silver.

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