Yascha Mounk at his own Substack:
Yascha Mounk: One of the things that I’ve really been trying to wrap my head around is the impact of AI. The launch of easily publicly accessible AI was now a little over two years ago, and it is clear that AI has tremendous capacities. At the same time, so far, its impact on the world has been a little bit more limited than might have been imagined two years ago. How do you see this panning out over the course of the next few years?
Tyler Cowen: I think it will take a long time to have a major impact. There are some areas such as programming where it’s already doing well over half the work, or in some parts of graphic design. You use Midjourney and you get something quite nice for free and you own the intellectual property rights to it. But when it comes to institutions, they’re not in general arranged so that there’s some easy way to slot in extra intelligence that’s not attached to a body.
I think, slowly, a lot of institutions will be rebuilt. But in some sectors, it’s an immediate revolution—students cheating on tests, that’s happened very quickly. Again, when it can happen quickly, it will. But I think it will be a protracted process.
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