Interview from the website of Core City Fitness in Detroit:
Interviewer: How long have you been doing CrossFit?
Morgan Meis: Well, see, the thing is I had a massive heart attack last October. This was considered not good by most of my doctors. I mean, not to brag or anything, but it was a super-huge heart attack. Some say legendary. The jokers in the cardiology community call the type of heart attack I had a widowmaker. Anyway, it is probably in poor taste to go on and on about one’s heart attack, so I’ll just say it was a doozy. Did I mention that about 12 percent of people survive a widowmaker? Legendary. Where was I? Oh yeah, once I got out of cardiac rehab my cardiologist said two things 1) you’re only allowed to eat grass and a few crunchy grains from now on and 2) get your ass to some regular exercise. I came back the next week (which was last February) and told her I’m going to do Crossfit. “Are you frickin’ nuts?” she asked me. “Yes,” I answered.
More here.
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