Yascha Mounk at his own Substack:
Yascha Mounk: You’re an incredibly prolific author who’s influenced me in many ways, but your latest book is on a subject that I’m also very interested in, which is free speech and particularly the role that free speech should play on campus.
This is obviously a timely issue. What do you think that smart people are getting wrong about that subject right now?
Cass Sunstein: Well, I think that one mistake is that people think that universities are covered by the same principles, regardless of whether they’re public or private. And as a legal matter, public universities are governed by the First Amendment and private universities just aren’t. There’s also a lot of talk about incitement without a lot of clarity about what that particularly entails. So if I say something like, “If you don’t buy my book there’s going to be a revolution,” that’s kind of hopelessly useless talk on the part of an author and that would not be regulable as incitement.
More here.
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