Why Indian doctors are protesting after the rape and death of a colleague

Ellen Ioanes in Vox:

The rape and killing of a 31-year-old woman medical resident has touched off protests across India as the country grapples with inadequate protections for women and increasing reports of gender-based violence.

The demonstrations began in Kolkata — the capital of the eastern Indian state of West Bengal — following the woman’s rape and killing, which took place on August 9 at a medical school. They’ve since spread to other states, as well as the country’s capital, New Delhi.

The death of the trainee is just the latest of several high-profile recent incidents of gender-based violence in India, and it comes at a time when sexual violence appears to be on the rise: According to the National Crime Records Bureau, there was a 20 percent increase in reported rapes in 2022 compared to 2021.

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