Thursday Poem

Pito, I say

Pito, I say
The wine does flow
And Pito says, it does
flow under the bridge
and the barges do flow
on it, and the wine
does flow
and the world flows away
Sure, I say
that’s how it is
and Diane Arbus, I say
have you dreamt of her
Lately as not, says Pito
I dream of her constantly
I don’t know if it’s real
or not, he says
I envy you, I say
And you with real women, he says
She’s just a dream
woman, he says
It’s all a dream, I say
Life is all dreams, I say
And Diane, I say
How is it with her
It’s good, Pito says, it’s good
Is that real, I say
It’s as real as a dream can be
Pito says

by Leo Romero
from After Aztlan
David R. Godine, Publisher, 1992