Nurse Jokes That RN-Believably Funny

Lisa Marie Conklin in Reader’s Digest:

  • Why did the nurse need a red crayon?
    She needed to draw blood.
  • Why are nurses afraid of the outdoors?
    Too much poison IV.
  • What do transplant nurses hate?
  • How do you know when a nurse is having a bad day?
    She won’t stop needling people.
  • What did the nurse say to the man who fainted at the airport terminal?
    I think you might have a terminal illness.
  • Why didn’t one nurse find the other nurse’s joke funny?
    She had an irony deficiency.
  • What do a nurse and a wood frog have in common?
    They can both hold their bladder for a really long time.
  • What did the blood donor say to the nurse?
    “I feel super tired; it is such a draining process.”
  • What did the banana say to the nurse?
    “I’m here to see the doctor. I am not peeling well.”
  • What did the nurse say when the doctor decided to stay home?
    “Suture self!”

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