Eitan Hersh on the Perils of Political Hobbyism

Yascha Mounk at his own Substack:

Yascha Mounk: What I’ve learned all of my life is that it’s good for people to be politically engaged. We want a politically active citizenry. We want people to care about politics.

You don’t completely disagree with that, but you worry that too many Americans and perhaps too many people in other democracies have become political hobbyists, that they care about politics in the wrong ways. What do you mean by that?

Eitan Hersh: I think that the way that 95% of people who are engaged in politics are engaged is not really politics. It’s like if we imagine that all football fans were actually football players. Of about a third of the country that pays attention to politics, nearly all of them are just engaging for some sort of emotional connection or for intellectual gratification. They want to learn stuff. And they’re not building the right skills or getting the right knowledge for them to inform votes or activism. They’re just doing a totally different thing.

More here.

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