Dangerous mpox strain spreading in Democratic Republic of the Congo

Michael Le Page in New Scientist:

Urgent action is needed to try to contain the spread of a new strain of mpox transmitted mainly by heterosexual sex that has caused more than 1000 cases in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, say health experts dealing with the outbreak. They fear the condition is poised to spread to neighbouring countries and possibly further afield.

“It’s undoubtedly the most dangerous so far of all the known strains of mpox considering how it is transmitted, how it is spread and also the symptoms,” says John Claude Udahemuka at the University of Rwanda.

The new strain was first identified in the small mining town of Kamituga in South Kivu province in the east of the DRC in September. In recent weeks it has spread to cities in the area. It may already have reached neighbouring countries such as Rwanda, Burundi and Uganda, says Leandre Murhula Masirika at the South Kivu health department.

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