Civility Won’t Save Us

Dante Stewart in Time Magazine:

America currently finds itself in a storm. A dreadful, at times unbelievable storm. A storm so dire and visceral that it seems to be the stuff of fiction and fantasy. From the assassination attempt on Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally on July 13, the questions that aren’t being answered, the throwing the fist in the air, the Democrat fumbles and internal shambles, to the continuous bloodshed in Gaza, to an airmen burning himself alive, to students being tear gassed just days before graduation—everything is hard. We are tired. And each day, as we watch the clouds form and move closer this way, we feel a sense of impending doom and dread. We are not okay. Nothing feels safe. And I am praying for us, truly, because what’s ahead will be far worse than what’s behind.

In times of crisis, be it the 1870s, 1960s, or the 2010s—each era some form of racial and political reconstruction to their name—there was always the question of what type of country would we be “after this.” At all of these points, the American experiment—for that is what this country has always been—has been rocked and challenged to its core.

More here.

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