3 Quarks Daily Welcomes Our New Monday Columnists

Hello Readers and Writers,

We received a large number of submissions of sample essays in our search for new columnists. Most of them were excellent and it was very hard deciding whom to accept and whom not to. If you did not get selected, it does not at all mean that we didn’t like what you sent; we just have a limited number of slots and also sometimes we have too many people who want to write about the same subject. Today we welcome to 3QD the following persons, in alphabetical order by last name:

  1. Azadeh Amirsadri
  2. Katalin Balog
  3. Gary Borjesson
  4. Monte Davis
  5. Mark DeLong
  6. Eric Feigenbaum
  7. John Hartley
  8. Xavier Muller
  9. Malcolm Murray
  10. Laurence Peterson
  11. Eleni Petrakou
  12. Rachel Robison-Greene
  13. Eric Schenck
  14. Daniel Shotkin
  15. Adele Stanislaus
  16. Steve Szilagyi
  17. Jeroen van Baar
  18. Sander Van de Cruys

I will be in touch with all of you in the next days to schedule a start date. The “Monday Magazine” page will be updated with short bios and photographs of the new writers on the day they start.

Thanks to all of the people who sent samples of writing to us. It was a pleasure to read them all. Congratulations to the new writers!

Best wishes,
