Saturday Poem


A blue whale’s heart rate is calculated at 37 beats
per minute. Measurement is described as intense,
involving extensive coordination. Descent
into the ocean and the pressure a human body
is subjected to is an additional atmosphere, twice
as much as human lungs are used to. A man holds
his breath for eleven minutes. Depths complicate,
compress and shrink the air-containing spaces
in body and brain. Oxygen starvation feels like
euphoria, like experiencing something miraculous.
It takes two seconds to pump the 220 liters of blood
a blue whale circulates with every heartbeat. There
cannot possibly be a larger animal, the heart cannot
grow fast enough for a greater creature to survive.
A woman holds her breath for nine minutes.
The sensation of rising. Water, water, sunlight,
air. A pulse in the ears. The astonishing
violence as breath fills her lungs, her heart.

by Molly Fuller
from Able Muse