This Is What Life In Ancient Rome Was Really Like

Lindsey Carter in Science 1st:

Spanning from 625 BCE to 476 CE, the Roman Empire is still one of the most iconic of all time. At their highest, the Romans conquered Britain, Italy, much of the Middle East, the North African coast, Greece, Spain, and, of course, Italy. From their inventions to their way of life, Ancient Rome was one of the most influential cultures the planet has ever seen. Being the first city to have over 1 million people is just one of the things the time period has to its name, leading many to wonder what life in Rome was really like.

Men had all the power while women had none in Rome

Want to know what family hierarchy was like within Rome? It seems that men were the ones with all the power – while women had none. Men were the ones in charge of arranging marriages for the family, divorcing their wives if they pleased, and even rejecting newborns if they saw fit or couldn’t afford the addition.

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