Biologists Find Another Incredible Skill Ants Have To Put Humans To Shame

Robyn White in Newsweek:

Biologists have discovered another incredible skill of ants that put humans to shame—they have a special technique to avoid traffic jams. Scientists from Texas Tech University and other institutions studied the 20-minute rhythms of the Leptothorax ant and discovered that their clever synchronization skills allowed them to avoid congestion. Their findings are published in a Proceedings of the Royal Society study.

After observing several Leptothorax nests for some time, it became clear that it was the ants’ sudden bursts of activity, performed simultaneously, that allowed them to avoid these jams. Ants are considered to be one of the smartest insects on Earth and are highly social. They are well known for their synchronization and complex behaviors, such as the way they collectively transport prey, their coordinated movements, and their “consensus-decision making when choosing a nest,” the study reported.

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