Bias doesn’t always undermine truth

Katherine Puddifoot at IAI News:

Suppose you are considering your career choices. You decide you are going to be a world-leading research scientist. You believe that you are as likely to succeed as anyone else. You are also a young woman. Women are statistically underrepresented in higher level science, and you are aware of countless articles describing structural barriers faced by women in the sciences making it harder for them to reach the higher echelons of the profession. There isn’t anything about your skills or upbringing that gives you reason to think that you are less likely to face these barriers than other women. Nonetheless, because you want to believe that you are as likely to succeed as your male counterparts, you focus your attention on the successes of specific high profile woman scientists, and these successes allow you to believe what you want to.

Here you engage in what psychologists call motivated reasoning: believing what you do because you want to. You also believe this despite strong evidence to the contrary.

It would be easy to assume that this type of reasoning always leads people astray.

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