Sacrificial Goat
everything unknown snaps to light
upon awakening
in bed, supine, sun-given day ignites a fire,
blankets burn, mind’s the filament of a lamp
upon awakening
stupidity tumbles down a sheer of chance,
small thoughts plunge, they start an avalanche,
the ground gives way beneath our feet
upon awakening
light ricochets from every wall, blind see, deaf hear,
motion stills, minutiae interlock
upon awakening
east and west do not collide, they mesh
upon awakening
bias stands upon its head draining deadliness,
its river Cocytus circles a sewer
upon awakening
states recede, decline, abjure,
the babble of all the contradictory words of God unite
upon awakening
they steep in a cauldron of love, the clock’s a joke
upon awakening
doors swing wide though no one knocks,
each ajar as each unlocks
upon awakening
windows blast from jambs
upon awakening
lions lie with lambs, every noise becomes a glory note
upon awakening
every weight begins to float, even cacophony’s in tune
upon awakening
nothing’s ever learned again by rote
upon awakening
every thing becomes the sacrificial goat
Jim Culleny