Why the US is losing its war against Huawei

(FILES) In this file photo taken on August 2, 2019 people walk past a Huawei logo during the Consumer Electronics Expo in Beijing. – Huawei was hit February 13, 2020 with new US criminal charges alleging the Chinese tech giant engaged in a “decades-long” effort to steal trade secrets from American companies.A US indictment unsealed in New York alleges Huawei conspired “to misappropriate intellectual property” from six US firms as part of a strategy to grow its global business. (Photo by Fred DUFOUR / AFP)

David Goldman in the Asia Times:

Humiliated by the United Kingdom’s refusal to exclude Huawei from its 5G broadband network, the Trump Administration has doubled down on its attempts to stop China, with poor prospects for success.

The American response includes prosecution of Huawei under the Racketeer-Influenced and Corrupt Organization (RICO) statute, drafted to combat organized crime. It also includes proposed regulations that would stop the sale of any US components to Huawei and China’s second-rank telecommunications firm ZTE if 10% of their production comes from American technology.

Also proposed is a ban on sales of jet engines for civilian passenger aircraft that General Electric and France’s Safran have been selling to China since 2014 – an economic warfare measure that has no national security justification.

Never in the course of American events have so many said too much to so little effect.

US National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien, meanwhile, told the Wall Street Journal on February 12 that the US had uncovered a secret backdoor in Huawei equipment that enabled the Chinese firm to spy on Western communications. Huawei rejected the charge, demanding that the United States make the data public.

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