Google envisions delivery of AR elements to physical books

Nancy Owano in PhysOrg:

GoogleenvisiThe mind at its laziest sees the old—books in print—and the new—the digital universe—as opposites, in an either-or historic transition from one to the other. Goodbye, brick and mortar book shops, hello, Kindle. Reading words on paper with binding, so yesterday. Reading the same words off a screen, so now. One publishing industry response is that everyone benefits if there is a merging of digital and print for learning as well as entertainment. Publishing Perspectives, a trade journal for the book publishing industry, reported that consultant Bruce Harris voiced enthusiasm for the role of augmented reality (AR) in publishing, saying there was potential in “a true amalgamation of digital and print.”

Not just physical print forms but even digital forms could benefit from AR. Harris said, “In some ways, digital has been “a frozen print experience,” in that the reader is often looking at the same thing in both print and digital versions.” Once you add AR, you are experiencing movement, extra sound, “a lot of extra qualities” with the content. Reading behavior in the AR vein might involve people using their phones or tablet apps to scan their physical page and see extra elements pop up. You are not throwing your printed book into the dustbin to read the same online. Instead, “You use your device to discover more content. The content is digitally appealing and has stuff you can manipulate, but you need the actual book in order to do it.”

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