Browse the nominees in the list below and then go to the bottom of the post to vote.
Alphabetical list of nominated blog names followed by the blog post title:
(Please report any problems with links in the comments section below.)
For prize details, click here.
- 3 Quarks Daily: Do our moral beliefs need to be consistent?
- 3 Quarks Daily: Is applied ethics applicable enough? Acting and hedging under moral uncertainty
- 3 Quarks Daily: Locating Value in the Natural World
- 3 Quarks Daily: Nazis, Lies and Videotape
- 3 Quarks Daily: The Sense of Self: A Conversation
- A Bag of Raisins: An Excerpt from Plato's “Philosopher”
- Absolute Irony: Nāgārjuna, Nietzsche, and Rorty’s Strange Looping Trick
- Angela Roothaan: (Auto)biography and Derrida II (finished reading)
- A Philosopher's Take: Moral Resposibility and Volunteer Soldiers
- A Wondering Jew: The Sound of Silence
- Elisa Freschi: Veṅkaṭanātha’s contribution to Viśiṣṭādvaita Vedānta
- Flickers of Freedom: The Case for Libertarian Compatibilism
- Huffington Post: Muslims: WWJD (What Would Jefferson Do?)
- IJFAB: Constraints on Medical Autonomy for Pregnant Women
- Imperfect Cognitions: Epistemic Injustice and Illness
- Imperfect Cognitions: Sadder but Wiser? Interview with Jennifer Radden
- Imperfect Cognitions: The Representation of Agents in Auditory Verbal Hallucinations
- Indian Philosophy Blog: On the possibility and nature of neurophilosophical study of Indic traditions
- In medias PHIL: The Evils of OSO
- In-Sight: Rick G. Rosner
- Justin E. H. Smith: The Rio Linda Deep-Freeze
- New APPS: Art, Politics, Philosophy, Science: Does taking pictures sully our memories?
- New APPS: Art, Politics, Philosophy, Science: Mechanism, Salience, and Belief Change
- New York Times, Opinionator: The Dangers of Certainty: A Lesson From Auschwitz
- Philosophy@Birmingham: Perfect Me Again!
- Philosophy, et cetera: Rationality and the Rooted Amnesiac
- Practical Ethics: Female genital mutilation (FGM) and male circumcision: should there be a separate ethical discourse?
- Practical Ethics: Happiness, meaning and well-being
- Practical Ethics: Is Home Birth Really As Safe As Hospital Birth?
- Practical Ethics: Iterated in vitro reproduction and genetic orphans
- Practical Ethics: Political speech crime
- Practical Ethics: Prisoner disenfranchisement: the supposed justifications
- Practical Ethics: Terminal Illness and The Right Not to Know
- Practical Ethics: The Texas flautist and the fetus
- Practical Ethics: Two Tales of Marshmallows and their Implications for Free Will
- Practical Ethics: Why I Am Not a Utilitarian
- Proof I Never Want To Be President (Of Anything): Work Friends
- Psychiatric Ethics: Anosognosia and Epistemic Innocence: Lisa Bortolotti
- Rust Belt Philosophy: Variant Analysis: Optimized Punishments
- The Epicurean Dealmaker: Venn Diagram
- The Philosopher's Beard: The Case for Ethical Warning Labels on Animal Products
- The Philosopher's Stone: Three Cheers for Jeremy Bentham
- Think Tonk: Introducing (and solving?) a puzzle about rationality
- Towkow: The Computational Theory of the Laws of Nature
- TruthOut: The Despotic Chimpanzee and the Ultra-Rich
- TruthOut: The Evaporation of Democracy
- Vihvelin: How Not to Think About Free Will
- Warp, Weft, and Way: Interpreting an Alien Philosophy: What Works for Me
- Welcome God: The Horror, Terror and Society
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Voting ends on November 25th at 11:59 pm NYC time.
Results of the voting round (the top twenty most-voted-for posts) will be posted on the main page on November 26th. The finalists will be announced on December 1st and winners of the contest will be announced on December 22nd, 2014.
PLEASE BE AWARE: We have multiple ways of detecting fraud such as multiple votes being cast by the same person. We will disqualify anyone attempting to cheat.
Now click here to vote.
Thank you.