who’s the greatest biologist?


So who is the greatest biologist of all time? Good question. For most people it’s got to be Darwin. I mean, Darwin is top dog, numero uno. He told us about evolution, he convinced us that evolution happened, and he gave us an explanation for it. I mean, there just wouldn’t seem to be any competition. Okay, fine, well you might then say: Mendel. Mendel discovers transmission genetics, and that was pretty good. And I suppose then you have to go pretty far down the list to come to people like Watson and Crick, who just discovered the structure of DNA, which is just a bit of structural biology, really, a bit of biochemistry. Okay, but who is the real top dog? For me, the answer is absolutely clear. It’s Aristotle. And it’s a surprising answer because even though I suppose some biologists might know, should they happen to remember their first year textbooks, that Aristotle was the Father of Biology, they would still say, “well, yes, but he got everything wrong.” And that, I think, is a canard. The thing about Aristotle – and this is why I love him – is that his thought was is so systematic, so penetrating, so vast, so strange – and yet he’s undeniably a scientist.

more from Armand Leroi at The Edge here.