it’s the ground game now


The conventional wisdom in presidential politics is that presidential candidates win their home states. In Arizona one would expect every corner to look like a jubilee celebration in honor of John McCain. It’s a hot election season, which means many street corners are festooned with red and blue campaign signs, lined up like colorful sheets drying in the Arizona sun. Surprisingly, though, McCain’s name is absent from most corner festivities.

Even more surprising, volunteers are scant at McCain’s Phoenix headquarters and other GOP offices throughout the state. The McCain campaign has a national website presence, but lacks a cadre of helpful and informed local volunteers — people who answer for their candidate when he’s away. Are these indicators that the McCain campaign is complacent in Arizona, or are Arizonans that blase about McCain’s candidacy? The campaign did not return phone calls, so it’s hard to know. In fact calls to Republican McCain offices around the state often go unanswered.

This is McCain’s backyard, so where are his supporters?

more from Huffington Post here.