The Death of E-Mail

Chad Lorenz in Slate:

071114_tech_deathemailtnBy 2002, everyone in my family had become an Internet convert. For the technophobic older generation, signing up for an e-mail account was a concession to us youngsters—if the kids don’t call home, they thought, we’ll just reach them through the computer. Everyone was especially eager to send messages to my niece, a kid who wasn’t all that chatty on the phone but was almost always glued to her PC. But while the rest of us happily exchanged forwards and life updates, she almost never piped up. Eventually, I sussed out the truth: She was too busy sending IMs and text messages to bother with e-mail. That’s when I realized that my agility with e-mail no longer marked me as a tech-savvy young adult. It made me a lame old fogey.

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