Sarah Crown in The Guardian:
Hay snorkles for top words:
Snorkle, freedom, midwifery and interglobular are just some of the suggestions authors and visitors to the Hay festival have come up with at the launch of a nationwide search for our favourite word.
Education Action, one of the festival’s official charities, is using the ‘Words for the World’ campaign to draw attention to their support for education for children in conflict zones. Festival visitors are being asked to donate £1 to add their favourite word to a pinboard outside the charities’ tent, and Education Action is calling on everyone from authors and journalists to politicians and members of the public to visit the website and add their own favourite words.
The charity chose the festival to launch their campaign, says Education Action’s communications manager Pippa Ranger, because “Hay plays host to some of the most literate people in the world, and we’re working with some of the least literate. Those who value and have benefited from education can show their support for the millions of children around the world who need it.”
More here.
About the Hay festival here.