From the website of the excellent journal, Radical Society:

Events_image_1Tuesday, October 24th
7:30 pm
Hungarian Cultural Center
447 Broadway, 5th floor
New York, NY

Our panelists will use the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution (and their memories of it) to examine the relationship between revolution and ideology in today¹s world. To what extent have past revolutions been ideologically driven, and to what extent are they similarly driven today? To what extent is ideology counter-revolutionary, and to what extent is revolution ultimately directed against ideology? Has the connection between political revolution and political ideology become passé or even antithetical? How do Islamic fundamentalism, religious ideology and neoconservative philosophy affect the way we perceive revolution? And to what extent does every revolution represent a resurgence of memory, a reaching back to prior revolutions and mythical politics?

Reception to follow the discussion.

More on the distinguished panelists here.