9/11 lung ailments linked to WTC air

From The Chicago Tribune:

Nycsmokecollapse2 Five years after Sept. 11, seven out of 10 first responders and workers who toiled at the World Trade Center suffer from chronic lung ailments that probably will last the rest of their lives, doctors said Tuesday in announcing the largest-ever study of Sept. 11 health effects.

The study of nearly 9,500 police, paramedics, construction workers and others by physicians at Mt. Sinai Medical Center represents the first scientific evidence linking dust and debris to those health woes, vindicating doctors and patients who for years insisted the connection was undeniable. The study focused mostly on the so-called World Trade Center cough, the main concern of health experts and advocates. Doctors at Mt. Sinai also said they expect to find cancer among the study’s participants in coming years. (Image)

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