The Most Masculine and Feminine Places in the World

Asia is the most masculine continent, and Europe the most feminine, in Le Monde Diplomatique:

Number of men per 100 women [In Society]

Europe: 92.7

North America (US & Canada): 96.9

Latin America: 97.5

Oceania: 99.5

Africa: 99.8

Asia: 103.9

China: 105.6

India: 102.4

Pakistan: 106.6

Bangladesh: 104.5

Taiwan: 103.8

Indonesia: 100.6

Number of boys per 100 girls [At birth]

China: 117 (Jiangxi & Guangdong: 138)

India: 111 (Punjab: 126 Haryana: 125)

Taiwan: 110

Indonesia*: 106

South Korea: 108

Azerbaijan: 115

Georgia: 118

Armenia: 120

* Infants under one year