‘Death Fugue’ on the streets of Berlin

Nirit Anderman writes for Haaretz.com about a new comic-journalism book:

Illu_59_m “A plethora of different types of people populate the city streets. Almost everyone chats on their cellular telephone. A woman carrying shopping bags from the market; a teenager wearing a skullcap, engrossed in a book; a security guard scanning the area; and a boy hurrying somewhere. Above them is a tangle of electric wires; a bus passes nearby and the Shalom Tower rises in the background. All of these are accompanied by the racket created by car horns honking, engines revving, phones ringing, people talking and police sirens wailing.

This is how Tel Aviv is presented in Tim Dinter’s comics article, the opening piece in the comic-journalism book, “Cargo.” Last spring, Dinter and two other German artists – Jan Feindt and Jens Harder – came to Israel for three weeks. Three Israeli artists – Yirmi Pinkus, Rutu Modan and Guy Morad – spent time in Germany. The “Cargo” project was the brainchild of Harder and the Goethe Institute in Tel Aviv, and the assignment given to each of the artists was to express their impressions in comic-journalism articles”

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