‘Steinberg at The New Yorker’: Comic Philosopher Illustrated

From The New York Times:Stein162

Steinberg’s first cartoons appeared in The New Yorker in 1941. Altogether he created 89 covers, 650 cartoons and drawings, and an additional 500 drawings inside articles by others. This is a staggering amount of work for an artist who also brought out seven books of drawings, and who exhibited his work regularly in some of the world’s leading galleries and museums. Every great painter in any period gives us an imaginative version of reality, a point of view with a specific visual language and grammar. ”When I admire a scene in the country,” Steinberg said, ”I look for a signature in the lower right hand.” He liked mixing styles, making it look as if Picasso or Rembrandt had drawn someone’s head and a comic strip artist the legs and feet. America, where all the people are under the impression that they can reinvent themselves endlessly, suited him well. 

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