The birth and life of the ‘9-11 Truth movement’

From The Village Voice:

Tower William Rodriguez, a janitor at the twin towers credited with saving lives on 9-11, has filed a federal RICO suit against Bush, the president’s father and three brothers, the Republican National Committee, Alan Greenspan, Halliburton, several voting-machine companies, and others. He claims that the president and his administration participated in “approval and sponsorship of the 9-11 attacks, kidnapping, arson, murder, treason” in order to “obtain a ‘blank check’ to conduct wars of aggression, to consolidate economic and political power.”

“The guilt of the defendants,” the suit alleges, “is compellingly suggested by their myriad lies, their thwarting of any proper investigation, and their stonewalling and failure to truly cooperate even with the . . . Commission ‘investigation.’ ”

More here.