letters to the editor of babybug, a magazine for readers AGE 6 MONTHS to 2 years


Dear Editor:

I read with particular delight your April feature on monkeys, a topic for which I must confess I have an inexhaustible enthusiasm. The story’s illustrations were both whimsical and touching. (I especially enjoyed one monkey’s difficulty with a party hat!) Please keep the monkey stories coming!

Mackenzie Stephenson
Age 18 months
Toledo, Ohio
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Dear Editor:

Maybe it’s just these postmodern times, but I finished your April story on gardens with a painful sense of reader’s whiplash. Was it fiction or nonfiction? Your table of contents and editor’s note did little to resolve this question, and the story itself was frustratingly self-obfuscating. One moment the reader is getting helpful advice on seed planting and the next a young boy is speaking with a bunny that’s wearing an ascot. Please don’t throw us so violently down the rabbit hole (pun intended!) again.

Kevin Oberlin
Age 11 months
Missoula, Montana

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